Category: Special Rules

California law states that an independent contractor who works for a manufacturer, jobber, or distributor as a sales representative who is paid a commission may be entitled treble damages (three times the damages) and attorney’s fees and costs under the Independent Wholesale Sales Representatives Contractual Relations Act of 1990 if the manufacturer, jobber, or distributor […]

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Unemployment Insurance (UI) is a nationwide program created to provide partial wage replacement to unemployed workers while they conduct an active search for new work. Under California law, how a job ended is crucial in determining whether the employee is eligible for unemployment insurance. An employee can be eligible for unemployment insurance under the following […]

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Morris Nazarian

Attorney Morris Nazarian is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles, where he obtained his undergraduate degree, summa cum laude, in neuroscience. He serves the community of Century City and Los Angeles as an Employment Lawyer.